Raised Comfrey Bed | Part 1

Building a raised comfrey bed

This weekend we started preparing a Raised Comfrey Bed to plant this spring. This bed has a couple purposes. 1: The comfrey leaves will be sold to midwives in East Texas to be used in their practice. 2: The comfrey roots will be harvested and sold as cuttings for propagation. If you’re not familiar with this amazing plant, learn more …

What is comfrey?

What is comfrey and why should you grow it?

What is comfrey and why should every homestead and gardener grow it? In my opinion, comfrey is a miracle plant. It is easy to grow, lives for decades, makes some of the best plant-based fertilizer known to man, has been traditionally used to heal wounds and broken bones, mines hard to get minerals, creates heaps of organic material, and the …

Feeding EDEN: A Must Read If Your Family Has Food Allergies

Feeding EDEN by Susan Weissman

My mom found a book that changed my life! After reeding Feeding EDEN, I realized I was not alone in my struggle with living everyday trying to keep my boys from eating something that could kill them or put them in the hospital. My goal every second of everyday is keeping my boys safe. Before I had my boys, I …