This weekend we started preparing a Raised Comfrey Bed to plant this spring. This bed has a couple purposes. 1: The comfrey leaves will be sold to midwives in East Texas to be used in their practice. 2: The comfrey roots will be harvested and sold as cuttings for propagation.

Building a Raised Comfrey Bed 4 Building a Raised Comfrey Bed 1 Building a Raised Comfrey Bed 2 Building a Raised Comfrey Bed 3

If you’re not familiar with this amazing plant, learn more in our article “What is Comfrey“.

We created the raised comfrey bed out of treated lumber that we got a great deal on. The 2’x12’x12’s were purchased from Lowe’s for $5 each and the 2’x6’x12’s and 4’x4’s came from a deck that I took apart for the lumber. The soil was purchased from the county ($5 / dump truck load) who was digging out the ditches on the county road along our property. The cardboard was given to us and the leaves were picked up on the curb in bags.

There’s no reason to spend a lot of money when building a raised comfrey bed or any other for that matter. If you look around you can get good deals all over the place.

Click here to read Raised Comfrey Bed | Part 2 

Here’s the video part 1 of us building our raised comfrey bed


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