A New Backside (on the manufactured home)

A new backside - Manufactured Home Reno

We’ve been busy working on the back side of the future homestead’s manufactured home. By the time we’re done with this It may as well be requalified as a site built home. At any rate, last weekend we removed the back window of the living room and replaced it with a sliding glass door. While we had the window removed, we …

Homestead Plant of The Week | 001 | Methley Plum Tree

Eating a plum instantly takes me back to my childhood. As a young boy, I loved eating this deliciously juicy, sweet, and sometimes tart fruit. Back then I thought a plum was a plum. To be honest, It was only a couple years ago when I realized that fruit came in different varieties. It was only recently that I first heard of …

Raised Comfrey Bed | Part 2

Raised Comfrey Bed Part 2 Hero Image

In part two of the Raised Comfrey Bed series, we finish up the bed construction. The primary focus of this episode was to sheet mulch over the soil. Click this link if you missed Raised Comfrey Bed | Part 1. So what is sheet mulching? Here’s a good definition from Wikipedia. In permaculture, sheet mulching is an agricultural no-dig gardening technique that …

Raised Comfrey Bed | Part 1

Building a raised comfrey bed

This weekend we started preparing a Raised Comfrey Bed to plant this spring. This bed has a couple purposes. 1: The comfrey leaves will be sold to midwives in East Texas to be used in their practice. 2: The comfrey roots will be harvested and sold as cuttings for propagation. If you’re not familiar with this amazing plant, learn more …

What is comfrey?

What is comfrey and why should you grow it?

What is comfrey and why should every homestead and gardener grow it? In my opinion, comfrey is a miracle plant. It is easy to grow, lives for decades, makes some of the best plant-based fertilizer known to man, has been traditionally used to heal wounds and broken bones, mines hard to get minerals, creates heaps of organic material, and the …

Fresh Rotisserie Chickens for Under $2.50!

Fresh Rotisserie Chickens for Under $2.50!

If you love good food for less, keep reading! One would be hard pressed to find a better deal on food than the rotisserie chickens from Sam’s club. While these are not organic free range chickens that have been given personal care, they provide a lot of meat for around $5. Just last week, we purchased one of these rotisserie chickens …

I Finally Used my Granberg Alaskan Chainsaw Mill

Granberg Alaskan Chainsaw Mill - East Texas Homestead

Last Christmas, I collected quite a few Amazon.com gift cards from friends and family. In years past, this would cause a dilemma due to having so many options. Not this year! I knew exactly what I wanted. I had become quite a fan of the Wranglerstar channel on YouTube and really enjoyed his videos on timber framing. One of the coolest …