Stories, Lessons & Practical Tips from the Homestead

Explore our blog for real-life insights and hard-earned lessons from our off-grid journey. From DIY projects to everyday challenges, each post is packed with hands-on advice and personal stories that bring homesteading to life.

Whether you’re just starting out or already deep into self-sufficiency, you’ll find helpful tips, relatable mishaps, and plenty of inspiration to fuel your own path toward independence.

  1. Featured image for “Micro Swale | End of Summer Video Review”
    October 15, 2015

    Micro Swale | End of Summer Video Review

    Hey y’all. I wanted to give you a look at how the micro swale made it through the summer. It wasn’t until the end of summer that we got the water well…

  2. Featured image for “State of the Homestead 2015”
    June 9, 2015

    State of the Homestead 2015

    East Texas Homestead Update (Mid 2015) Can you believe that this year is just about half way over? Me either! It this post, I’m going to give an overview of what’s been…

  3. Featured image for “After 2 years, we have water on the homestead!”
    May 20, 2015

    After 2 years, we have water on the homestead!

    New Water Well on Our Homestead! This is a really exciting post for me because it is announcing the completion of one of our biggest hurdles. When we selected this property, we…

  4. Featured image for “Moving the Meter Pole – Video 2”
    April 24, 2015

    Moving the Meter Pole – Video 2

    Here’s a video showing how we drained the water from the hole and how we got the meter pole up the hill. Click here to see part 1.…

  5. Featured image for “Homestead Plant Of The Week | 004 | Lila Avocado”
    April 16, 2015

    Homestead Plant Of The Week | 004 | Lila Avocado

    Growing Avocado in Texas Without the avocado, would there be Tex-Mex? It’s hard to say. I for one find it hard to imagine eating such food without the rich, creamy addition that…

  6. Featured image for “The final preps before installing the meter pole”
    April 14, 2015

    The final preps before installing the meter pole

    Part 1 of 3 videos on installing the electric meter pole Now that the power company has the transformer installed on the electric pole, It’s time to get our meter pole in the…

  7. Featured image for “Save Money Propagating Comfrey Cuttings”
    April 8, 2015

    Save Money Propagating Comfrey Cuttings

    Propagating Comfrey Cuttings Made Easy Comfrey is a wonder plant! As such, I want it planted all over my property. The best way to plant a lot of comfrey when you’re on…

  8. Featured image for “Learn How to Prevent Weeds in Flower Beds Organically!”
    April 6, 2015

    Learn How to Prevent Weeds in Flower Beds Organically!

    Are you looking for a way to prevent weeds in flower beds and gardens? If you’re like most, you struggle with how to prevent weeds in flower beds and gardens. Many people simply use…

  9. Featured image for “Homestead Plant Of The Week | 003 | Lapins Cherry”
    March 28, 2015

    Homestead Plant Of The Week | 003 | Lapins Cherry

    Grow Lapins Cherry Trees in Texas! A few months back, my sister said she wanted to give me a tree for my birthday. She asked if I wanted to pick it out or…

  10. Featured image for “Sharpening Chisels With Sandpaper”
    March 25, 2015

    Sharpening Chisels With Sandpaper

    Sharpening Chisels With Sandpaper is Cheap, Easy, and Fun If you’re like me, you’ve got a chisel or two that you’ve abused. I now make a conscious effort not to chip and dull…