Have you ever considered a garden lasting 2,000 years? I know I haven’t. However, this Moroccan food forest has been producing food for the locals since the time of Christ! In the video below, Geoff Lawton talks about the time he first found this amazing place. Geoff was camping on the beach in Morocco and decided to go explore inland. He …
Feeding EDEN: A Must Read If Your Family Has Food Allergies
My mom found a book that changed my life! After reeding Feeding EDEN, I realized I was not alone in my struggle with living everyday trying to keep my boys from eating something that could kill them or put them in the hospital. My goal every second of everyday is keeping my boys safe. Before I had my boys, I …
Fresh Rotisserie Chickens for Under $2.50!
If you love good food for less, keep reading! One would be hard pressed to find a better deal on food than the rotisserie chickens from Sam’s club. While these are not organic free range chickens that have been given personal care, they provide a lot of meat for around $5. Just last week, we purchased one of these rotisserie chickens …