My Favorite Thanksgiving Yet

Tyler State Park on Thanksgiving Day

After polishing off the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers, I want to tell you about our Thanksgiving. We had initially planned to go up north to visit Jenn’s side of the family. Unfortunately, our boys got sick and we opted to forgo the 17 hour car ride due to the circumstances. We were really looking forward to visiting with family …

Mr. Heater – Big Buddy with 20 lb Propane Tank – Review

Mr. Heater - Big Buddy with 20 pound propane tank

How to use Mr. Heater Big Buddy with a 20-pound propane tank In the video below, I show you the first time I started up and used my Mr. Heater Big Buddy propane space heater. I opted for using the 20-pound tank connected by a hose and propane filter. This seems like a better setup than the 1 pound tanks since …

Turning East Texas Red Clay Into Brown Soil

East Texas Red Clay

How can you turn East Texas red clay into brown soil? Those of you who live or play around red clay know just how invasive it can become. You can step in it on Monday and track it all through your house on Friday. It doesn’t drain water and it is super hard and compact. It’s a wonder anything can …

Easy Freeze Plug Fix for Jeep Wrangler

How to fix a freeze plug with JB Water Weld This isn’t the classic “homesteading” post, but it is part of our journey. the video below shows you an easy freeze plug fix for my Jeep Wrangler. I want to start by saying, I’m not a professional mechanic. But i can tell you that this $9 tube of JB Weld will cost …

A Humble Beginning – The Future Homestead

Sad looking mobile home

Ever seen a place & thought “Ain’t no way I’d live here”? About a year ago I found myself in saying those exact words to my wife. So I did the only thing that made sense. I bought the place and made plans to move in. At this point you may be thinking we are a bit crazy. Maybe even a …

Everyone Can Calm Down about the Ebola thing


Breaking NEWS: It’s About Ebola! Ok, are these news agencies really that desperate for people to watch them that they have to hype up Ebola? Whatever happened to reporting relevant news? With all the news coverage you would think that if you walk down the street and someone in a neighboring town has Ebola, you are at risk. Let’s face …