Easy DIY Toothpaste Recipe
For the past few months, I have been experimenting with lots of DIY projects. One of my favorites, as well as the hubby’s, is our DIY toothpaste.
I initially found the recipe on Pinterest but I have tweaked to make it my own! It’s a super simple DIY project, has only 5 ingredients, and will even whiten your teeth (for real)!
At first I wasn’t too sure about making my own toothpaste. I grew up using Crest, which is very candy-like, then when I got married my husband convinced me to start using PeroxiCare, which he said would do a better job cleaning my teeth. It was quite an adjustment for me to make, especially since it didn’t taste as great as Crest.
Over time, I learned to use it without making a funny face or gagging! So the idea of making my own toothpaste was intriguing to me but I was skeptical of how it would taste and if I would actually enjoy using it. We have been using the DIY toothpaste for about a month now and the hubs and I both love it! It’s inexpensive, simple to make, and I love how clean my teeth feel!
DIY Toothpaste Recipe:
- 3 Tablespoons baking soda
- 3 Tablespoons coconut oil
- 2 teaspoons hydrogen peroxide
- 15ish drops of Peppermint essential oil (add more or less depending on how you want it to smell and taste)
- Stevia to taste (I use one packet per tablespoon of coconut oil)
DIY Toothpaste Directions:
Mix it all together and put in container. That’s it!
*This DIY toothpaste recipe makes about 4oz. I double the recipe and put it in an 8oz. glass jar!
*When you go to use this DIY toothpaste do not wet your toothbrush, just stick your dry brush right into the jar and scoop out some on your brush and then brush your teeth (rinse brush afterwards). This makes the consistency of the toothpaste a little closer to the store-bought stuff. Otherwise, if you wet the DIY toothpaste on your brush it will be runny in your mouth.
This recipe makes me want to brush my teeth all the time (not just the recommend 3 times a day)! I have also noticed that my teeth have gotten whiter! I drink a lot of coffee (at least two cups every morning) to keep up with our busy boys and some Dr. Pepper throughout the day. These drinks have definitely browned my teeth some over the last year and I noticed that after using this DIY toothpaste recipe within a week my teeth were already starting to whiten!
So, if you are trying to save money or are just wanting to make some of your own DIY projects than this is definitely an easy one to try and you can’t mess it up! I promise! If I can do it so can you!
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Ok Jenn, I’m going to try this!
I think it’s great, especially if we know all the ingredients!
Knowing the ingredients is one of the best parts! It’s also great to finally have toothpaste without fluoride.
Thanks for sharing. I love making my own stuff. I will have to make this ASAP. I will let you know how it goes.
Very interesting Jenn! You should take before and after pics of your teeth;) one thing that jumps to my mind (as a RDH) is that stevia can be used by the bacteria in your mouth to create cavities